Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Courtney's off to LA!!!

Courtney gets the finishing touches on her hair by hair guru Andy Biggs of Zolton's Salon in Scottsdale

Today was Courtney's final prep day. And she sure was busy! She started the day at 5:30am with an interview on CBS Channel 5. She's also had a pedicure and manicure, got the finishing touches on her hair, had a facial, her final gown fitting, and got to choose some jewelry pieces by Melayne Wootan to take with her (you can see some of her jewelry at http://www.melaynewootan.com). Her gown is NOTHING short of AMAZING and fits her like a glove. Her Stefanie Somers custom earrings are just gorgeous as well! Now, for those of you wanting a photo, you'll just have to wait until her Fadil Berisha shots come out--hopefully early next week.

We also had to deal with some major drama--her flight for tomorrow was CANCELLED! I spent 45 minutes on the phone with US Airways and got her rebooked, but I was hoping to avoid disasters of this caliber! Let's pray that's the worst that will happen.

She leaves Wed am at 11:21 from Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport for her First Class flight aboard US Airways. She arrives in LAX at 11:53 and will be met by her town car driver to whisk her away to the Wilshire Grand. How many suitcases will she check? ONLY ONE! Her Grandpa DROVE all her things to the hotel in LA (a SIX hour drive!!!) earlier this week and dropped them off, so Courtney won't have to worry about shipping anything or the airline losing a single piece of luggage. MAJOR KUDOS TO GRANDPA!!!!

She has the whole afternoon to get settled in her room. Her roommate is Miss Alabama USA, Rebecca, who also arrives Wed midday. Wednesday night Courtney is going to dinner with her boyfriend Steven's sister, who lives in LA. Then she's the first girl to go through registration at 9am on Thursday. She'll be fitted for her competition swimsuit, shoes and opening number outfit. She'll turn in all her paperwork as well as her state gift for the auction. Her gift, by the way, is a Matt Leinart autographed Cardinal's game ball! Many thanks to Suzanne and Danielle Demski for getting this great item for Courtney!!

During Registration, she'll also film her web interview, which will be displayed on http://www.missusa.com/, have her Fadil photo session in her evening gown and get more information on her schedule. I know that they have already added some talk shows to the ladies' schedule as well as an LA Kings hockey game. They will be busy!

Since she's in the first group, she'll have everything taken care of Thursday and will probably have some time Friday to rest and send me an update with photos (HOPEFULLY!) so I can keep you all updated. This girl is READY to be MISS USA! She has worked tirelessly to achieve this goal; she's left nothing to chance!

Those of you who saw her Good Morning Arizona interview on Monday had a preview of her Interview outfit as well as her web interview outfit (hip couture St. John combo) and the Tadashi dress she's wearing for the Tadashi event. She was also on Channel 5 EARLY this morning and they had her do the weather - with absolutely no warning whatsoever! She's a natural, though, and did a fantastic job. Let me see...in the forecast for the next couple of weeks, I'm predicting the crowning of the first MISS USA FROM ARIZONA!! :)

If you'd like to send her an email, please send it to us at info@missarizonausa.net with the subject line MESSAGE FOR COURTNEY. I'll make sure she gets all good wishes! And if you'd like to send cards, the address for the hotel is at the top right of this blog. ANY AND ALL notes of encouragement will mean the world to her, so please don't hold back! The next 2 weeks leading up to the competition will be very tiring and all love and prayers WILL make a huge difference.

Keep watching this blog for updates!



Anonymous said...

Have fun at Miss USA!!! You have a strong fan base! There are plenty cheering you on!

Best Wishes,

Columbia, SC

Anonymous said...


We will all be there cheering for you. I know this will be a wonderful experience. Can't wait to see you wear the Miss USA crown.

Marion Schmidt
Gilbert, Az

Anonymous said...

You are a very beautiful and very special person, so just be yourself. I know you will shine above all. Enjoy!!! So, GO ALL THE WAY!!!

Mrs_Arizona said...

Good Luck!! You'll do great!! I will be thereto cheer ya on!!